FREE AI Video Generator for MOBILE Phone ( Android & iOS ). Imagine you can generate AI videos directly from the Telegram app on your phone!

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Xero AI Video Generator :

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Imagine you can generate AI videos directly from the Telegram app on your phone. No computer needed, no subscription required, totally free. Not only can you generate videos from text, but you can also use this tool to generate videos from photos or images, and even generate AI images for free. Make sure you watch all parts of this AI tutorial video, because I will guide you step-by-step on how to get access and how to use this AI tool in a quick and easy way. So, hit the like button, subscribe to this channel, and let’s get started.

Part 1 : Xero AI Telegram Bot.

First, go to the Xero AI official website; you can find the link in this video description. You will be redirected to the Xero AI Telegram bot; click the “Send Message” button. Click the “Start” button to start and show Xero AI basic commands.

Part 2: Text to Video Generator.

To generate an AI video, simply type “slash xero” followed by the prompt or video description you want to generate. Press the Enter or Send button to start generating your AI video. If you are not satisfied with the result, click “Regenerate” to generate a new AI video using the same prompt. If you like the result, click the “Option” button and choose the “Save to Gallery” or “Downloads” option. Here is the result video. Now let’s try to create an AI video with a portrait video format. Type “slash xero” and continue with your prompt, and add “–portrait.”

Part 3: Image to Video Generator.

Not only can you generate videos from text prompts, but Xero AI is also capable of creating videos from a static image. Click the “Attach” button and select your source image or photo. In the prompt bar, type “slash img2vid.” You can also add a video description if needed.

Part 4: Text to Image.

Now let’s try Xero AI’s text-to-image feature. To do that, simply type “slash genimg” followed by the image description you want to generate. Thank you for watching this AI video generator for android and iOS video tutorial. Let me know in the comment section if you want more AI tools for mobile phone tutorials. See you in the next video, and bye-bye!

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